We hope that you are satisfied with your order. If this is not the case, you can easily return you purchased (including reduced items) within 30 days of receiving them. The item should be unworn and with original hangtags.

Please contact us at [email protected] and our customer success team will get in touch to process and confirm your return.

All confirmed returns will be immediately refunded to the original cardholder or account holder in the same currency as the purchase.

Please note:

We will use the same method of payment used to make the purchase for the refund.

We will use the same currency used to make the purchase for the refund. 

The debited amount is always refunded to the buyer and cardholder or account holder.

If the returned item was purchased using a voucher, a new voucher will be issued.

This repayment time depends upon the payment method or credit card used.

If you made your purchase using a promotional voucher, you will be refunded the actual amount you paid after applying the voucher.  The promotional voucher then becomes invalid.

If you made your purchase using a promotional voucher and return part of your order, you will receive a partial refund in proportion to the value of the voucher. 

If you require any additional information or have any other queries, please feel free to contact our customer success team at [email protected]